POTBR blog 7, day 7

 Day 7- Last day in Kalispell Reservation and it is going to be a hot one. We spent the night listening to thunder and rain throughout the night. The having to share one shower between 9 of us isn't quite bad as we all thought it would be. Our first stop today is the fish hatchery then going to the Camas Community Center where we learned that the tribe had went around to different reservations and got ideas for how they wanted to build their wellness center. It had an early learning center, clinic, meeting rooms, little store, snack bar, family pool center, basketball court, 9 square, pool room, computer room, 3 workout rooms and offices for the workers. It is so amazing. I wish we had something as beautiful. We got there and spent part of the day with the People of the Canoe Youth camp, where we sat and listened to a story about Brandon Kohler, an Inchelium native resident who had what seems like years' worth of bad luck and yet he kept fighting for his dream which was professional basketball. He made it of course doing out of country basketball. while he was talking, we were able to do some crafts and I made a pink medicine bag with 'She Who Watches' painted on the front. I lost it later that day of course. Was not meant for me, I guess. Hopefully went to a good home and someone who needs it. After that we got a tour of the place and the cultural center down the road. We also took a cruise down to a cave like place that we hiked up into, looks like it was etched out the rock and I believe they said they have prayers and ceremonies here at this location. That was most of our day, most of us couldn't get over the fact we were being attacked nonstop by mosquitos. 


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