POTBR blog 11, Day 11

 Day 11 finally and we have decided not to go to Umatilla due to porter potty issues, so we camped another night at Cow meadows which was kind of scary. Heard a snag behind our camp fall, sounded pretty close to us too. Then some other strange thing occurred we couldn't explain but let's not go there. we got up today and headed off to the Obsidian rock river in the Newberry Caldera National Park area. A little more hiking for us as we reached the lava flow trail we got to go on top of the flow and get super close to the beautiful rocks Obsidian. The rock was super sharp, we also saw some sort of mixed obsidian pumice rock and pumice of course. From there we headed off to the The High Desert Museum which a lot of us enjoyed, we saw many old beadworks, old homes, old clothes, gray fox, porcupine, art, and a gift shop and cafe. I also saw the picture of 'She who Watches' a petroglyph that lies at the bottom of a cliff where my families old village lies across from The Dalles. It's an honor and great feeling to see it. To end our day before we go swimming, we came to a Bend library where we are finishing our blogs and graphs for the whole trip. This trip has definitely been a great experience for me, and I got to bond with classmates on a deeper level. I am so glad I got to take this class. Thank you, Dr. Black, for everything you do for us!


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